It is with the divine grace of Lord Sainath that we, the Sai Sharan family and Sai devotees around the world, propose to offer ONE BILLION (100 crores) flowers at the lotus feet of Eternal Sainath in the form of the Sainam chant:
We would like all Sai devotees across the globe – from all areas, sites, groups and forums to come forward and voluntarily join us in the Nama Japa today! We successfully completed this goal in 2003 and would like to do so again, in preparation for the Shirdi Sai Baba Samadhi Centennial Year, which begins 2018. It was amazing to see everyone come together, as we cannot complete this goal alone.
The purpose of this goal is to spread Baba’s Sai Naam Jaap around the world and get other devotees involved. Please share and request other devotees from around the world to join in this divine mission. Also feel free to reach out to any of our team members and give your counts, views, thoughts, comments, etc. Thanks again Om Sai Sri Sai Jai Jai Sai.
Please join us to reach our goal and contact us to share your chant count!

Brought to you by Sai Sharan and Sai Darbar Orlando. Visit for more information! #shirdisaidevotee #lordhanumanjidevotee

*Thanks to these sites for providing this valuable information and allowing us to share.